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FSYF Board of Directors

The Foreign Service Youth Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors.  Board members take an active role in developing and implementing FSYF programs and events – for example, by serving on the Program Committee, volunteering at an FSYF event, or being a contest or scholarship judge.  Board members who are not committee chairs are expected to attend the annual full Board meeting and are welcome to attend bi-monthly Executive Committee meetings.  All members of the Board are volunteers who serve two-year terms and do not receive compensation from FSYF.

Current Board Members

Paul Sutphin


Mr. Sutphin is a Senior Advisor with the Global Insights Group, LLC, a foreign affairs consultancy. He retired from the Department of State as a career member of the Senior Foreign Service Officer, Minister-Counselor rank.  He served as Senior Advisor/acting Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan in the Bureau of African Affairs, as well as Deputy Chief of Mission in Nairobi Kenya. He also served as Consul General in Erbil, Iraq and Dubai, UAE, and as Director of the Offices of Israel and Palestinian Affairs, Assistance Coordination, and Levant Affairs in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs.  He also had overseas postings in Jerusalem, London, Denmark, and Guyana. He speaks Danish and French, and some Arabic. Born in Syracuse, NY, Mr. Sutphin is an honors graduate of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and has a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies from the National War College at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C.; he is the recipient of multiple Department of State Superior Honor and senior performance awards.  He is married and has two adult children.

Laura Garcia Olson

Vice President

Laura Garcia Olson is the mother of two fabulous children, a Foreign Service spouse, a volunteer, and an attorney by training.  Since her husband joined the State Department in 2001, her family has lived in: Islamabad, Pakistan; Washington, DC; Georgetown, Guyana; Caracas, Venezuela; Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria; La Paz, Bolivia; and Accra, Ghana.  In recent years, she has been actively involved in volunteer pursuits, serving as the co-coordinator of the Around the World 5K, spearheading children’s reading programs and lending library projects, serving on the board of the American-British International Association in La Paz and as a vice president of her children's PTA.   Her professional pursuits include time with the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment, and Partners of the Americas.  She started her career in the general counsel's office at the Department of Housing and Urban Development and with the Rural Local Initiatives Support Corporation.  



Katina Caldwell

Fundraising Committee Chair

Peter Wood

Fundraising Committee Chair

Mrs. Katina Caldwell is a dedicated Foreign Service Diplomatic Technology Manager at the U.S. Department of State. Originally from Washington, DC, she holds a B.S. in Information Systems from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and an MBA in Management from Strayer University. She also has a Chief Information Officer certificate from the National Defense University.

Since joining the Department in July 2007, Mrs. Caldwell has served in various locations, including Bogota, Buenos Aires, Kathmandu, Ouagadougou, Nassau, and Lilongwe. She is currently the Special Assistant for the Deputy Chief Information Officer of Enterprise Services in Washington, DC. Additionally, she has served on several school boards overseas and has been a member of the Foreign Service Youth Foundation (FSYF) for over ten years, currently serving as the fundraising chair.


Outreach and Membership Chair


Contest Chair

Susan Symington

Board Member

Susan, an alumna of Barnard College and Columbia’s Architecture and Planning School with an MS degree in Historic Preservation, worked for the Historic Kansas City Foundation, and the landmarks and historic preservation commissions of New York City, and her hometown of St. Joseph Missouri, before she and her family began 35 years of service as a diplomatic team in Honduras, Spain, Mexico, Ecuador, and more recently in Djibouti, Rwanda and Nigeria, where her husband served as Ambassador.   They have two children, a son, Stuart,  who is a longtime fellow FSYF Board member, and a daughter, Janey, both of whom received FSYF scholarships in recognition of all the amazing work they have done at our missions abroad, just like so many Foreign Service youth living and serving at our diplomatic posts around the world.

Dale Dean

Board Member

Dale Dean was a political officer and Arabist who served the first half of his Foreign Service career in the Arab World (Cairo, Kuwait, Jeddah and Riyadh) and was later the West Bank/Gaza desk officer in the Office of Israel Affairs. Other assignments were in the Africa Bureau (East African Affairs--Somalia Desk), in the PM Bureau as Deputy Director of the Office of International Security Operations, and later in EUR as Deputy Director for Strategy and Security, Office of European Security and Political Affairs. His last oversees post was in the Political Section of Embassy Ankara. After retirement in 1999, Dale earned a Master of Arts in Arab Studies from Georgetown University.

Dale was married to the late Michael Ann Hughes Dean, who had been an FSYF Board member, the CLO in Riyadh and Ankara, and the Publications Coordinator for the Family Liaison Office. Their children, Cat and Phil, spent much of their childhood in the Arab World. Cat served for a time as a youth representative on the FSYF Board. 

Kim DeBlauw

Board Member

Kim DeBlauw joined the Foreign Service in 1986 and has served in Nuevo Laredo, Lome, Lisbon, Brussels, La Paz, Ankara and Madrid as well as in Washington.  Kim is married to Juan Ramirez; they have three children.  She previously served on the FSYF board and on multiple school boards overseas.  Kim is a graduate of Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service. 

Alexandra Lena Pomeroy

Board Member

Alexandra is a program officer in the Office of Europe and Asia Programs in the Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).  She is a former TCK, FSYF participant, and the daughter of a retired Foreign Agricultural Officer. Alexandra was born in London. She has attended international schools in Tunis, Lagos, New Delhi, and Cairo. She has a B.A. in International Relations from the College of William and Mary and is a Public Policy Masters candidate at Georgetown University. She also attended the Institut Politque d'Etudes in Lyon from 2006-2007. She and her family currently serve in Nairobi.

Peter Wood

Board Member

Pete graduated from Arizona State University (Mathematics) and also has a masters degrees from Syracuse Univ. in Public Administration and from the National Defense University in Management. He was a Peace Corps volunteer and trainer, a high school teacher, coach of various sports and scout leader before joining the Department of State.  He recently retired from the Senior Foreign Service after a 38-year career that took his family and him to Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Ethiopia, Mali, Honduras and Mexico. Pete is the proud father of two global nomads.  He served on several school boards while stationed overseas.  He has been a FSYF board member since 2002 and served as the fund-raising chair during a period that saw the organization triple its annual budget and expand its programs. 

Stuart Symington

Board Member

Born in St. Joseph, Missouri, Stuart grew up as the son of a Foreign Service Officer in Honduras, Spain, Mexico, Ecuador, and Niger, West Africa. In college, Stuart studied abroad at Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan and worked at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan. He was also awarded grants to increase access to markets for women's cooperatives and build wells in rural Djibouti. Stuart was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and received a BA in East Asian Studies, magna cum laude, from Yale University. He worked for the Rwandan Government's Development Board to market investment opportunities in Kigali, Rwanda while conducting research on the post-genocide legal system. He was an active member of the FSYF in high school and a recipient of the FSYF Award from former Secretary Colin Powell for his work in Niger. Currently, he runs online marketing and revenue strategy for, a company that teaches over 50 million annual visitors Spanish and English online for free.


Jacob Barr

Board Member

Jacob is a Diplomatic Technology Officer with the Department of State and volunteers with FSYF as a website administrator. He is married with three children and understands the challenges living overseas can pose for families. He has a background in data analytics, government and academia and has been living overseas since 2004. Jacob is a strong advocate of international education, language learning and community development.

   Bridget Premont

Board Member

Bridget is a Foreign Service Officer assigned to the Institute of the Americas at the University of California San Diego in La Jolla, CA.  She is married and is the mom of two wonderful teenagers who, together, have attended 16 schools.  Over the last 22 years she has served in Bangui as Deputy Chief of Mission, and with her family in Nassau, Tijuana, Ottawa, Brussels, Quito, Nicosia, and Port-au-Prince.  In Washington, Bridget worked in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs and in the Executive Secretariat’s Operations Center. A native of California and Idaho, she studied at Georgetown (M.S.F.S.) and Gonzaga Universities (B.A.) and speaks French, Spanish, and some Haitian Creole.

Krystal McGuiness

Board Member

Krystal is a career Air Force Logistics Readiness Officer and current National Defense Fellow at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy. She is a parent to an amazing toddler and partner to a Foreign Service Officer, currently serving in Seoul, South Korea. Prior to her current position, Krystal served as a Pentagon Speechwriter. She has experience teaching composition, rhetoric, and literature at the United States Air Force Academy alongside a range of Air Force assignments in logistics and air mobility operations in Arizona, Colorado, Virginia, and Okinawa, Japan. She is looking forward to her upcoming assignment in South Korea and opportunities to engage with our incredible Foreign Service kids.

Abigail Wollam

Board Member

Abigail is an assistant director at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab based in Washington, DC where she assists in the coordination of external engagements, trainings, and other events. Abigail has a bachelor’s degree in history and political science from St. Olaf College. As an undergraduate, Abigail worked with the US Department of State in the US embassy in Accra, Ghana; with the Smithsonian Office of Fellowships and Internships; as an admissions assistant and archives researcher at St. Olaf College; as a campaign intern during the 2020 primaries; and as an archaeological intern. In her spare time, she volunteers with the National Museum of American History, rock climbs and reads a lot.

David Brown

Board Member

David Brown is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, and currently serves as a Director in USAID’s E&E Bureau. He provides expertise, analysis, and executive management in support of the Bureau’s core objective of pursuing democratic governance and economic reform as mutually reinforcing objectives. He serves as the executive sponsor of private sector initiatives for Ukraine which has brought innovative and partnership with the private sector to address the evolving needs in Ukraine.  He is also responsible for more than $1.5 billion in enterprise funds designed to leverage private capital and support equity investments in the region.

He served as USAID’s first Senior Development Advisor to Greenland.  As USAID’s Principal Officer, he was charged with deepening the USG engagement with Greenland through foreign assistance and diplomacy.  Previously he served on the Office of Federal Procurement Policy’s Acquisition Innovation Council. He served as Deputy Regional Mission Director and Mission Director in Central Asia and has served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Central America, Armenia, Central Asia and Greenland.

Mr. Brown has served overseas in the US Army in Central Asia, Germany, Iraq, Haiti, Afghanistan, and Bosnia-Herzegovina.  He is a paratrooper and has held leadership positions at the platoon, company, and battalion level. He is a combat veteran with multiple personal and campaign awards. He considers those awards earned throughout his career associated with unit performance to be the most satisfying and representative of military service.

David holds a MPA in International Finance from the American University, and a Master’s in Government Contracting from the George Washington University.

Julie Gibbons

Board Member

Julia is a contractor at Foreign Service Institute (FSI) and is a former TCK and a daughter of a DS agent. She lived with her family during their tours in Denmark, Vietnam, and Australia. She has with a B.A. in International Relations from the University of Mary Washington, and after graduating in 2019, she moved to Seoul, South Korea to teach ESL for four years. She has a background in international development and education, and a passion for learning languages. 

Holly Higgins

Board Member

Senior Foreign Service Officer (active duty)

Interested in Joining the Board?!

Any employee or family member who has served under chief of mission authority and/or has a connection to the Foreign Affairs community by employment, marriage or upbringing is eligible to be nominated for the Board of Directors. 

Ideal candidates are committed to the mission of FSYF and to Foreign Service families and young people, are able to work collaboratively as members of a team, and have adequate time to contribute to FSYF. 

Interested?  Send us an email at!

Foreign Service Youth Foundation

P.O. Box 50663

Arlington, VA  22205


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